Case Studies
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Diversification – What Do We Need to Think About?
“We feel like we’re maxed out with our current product line and current market segments,” started Erica. “Some on our team have suggested we consider diversification, something none of us know a lot about. What do we need to think about / consider? Any of you have...
Glassdoor post comment: “No room for growth”?!
“We’re a technical services company; our revenue growth is dependent on our employee growth. We’ve been slowly growing our organization using college recruiting; but we’re still only around 50 employees. Now we’ve discovered that someone posted ‘No room for growth’...
Someone called interested in buying my business … how do I know what it’s worth?
“I got a call out of the blue last week from someone saying they were interested in buying my business,” opened Rich. “Wasn’t really thinking about selling yet, but if the price was right, I might be open to exiting now. How do I get a realistic idea of what my...
How much planning is enough?
“I’ve been in this group a little more than a year now,” started Sarah. “Last year about this time you all started talking about your strategic planning / annual planning activities. I didn’t want to speak up last year, because we really didn’t have an organized...
Another employee is demanding a pay raise … what should I do?
“I know this has come up before; but now it’s personal,” starts Rich. “A couple months ago an employee came to me asking for a raise mid-cycle. Now a second person has come demanding the same thing. I wasn’t exactly sure what to do the first time; now I’m concerned...
Joe’s leadership isn’t cutting it… now what?
“Seems like we discuss this at least once a year” starts Martin, “Someone has a manager whose management style is not working and whose team’s morale is suffering from it… now it’s my turn. We promoted Joe to a management position about 9 months ago, but now I’m...
Acquisition? Merger? Joint venture? What are the right questions to ask?
“This is not a topic that comes up that often,” starts Joel, “but has had me thinking for the last few weeks. I’ve had a successful relationship with one of my key vendors; they’re reliable, competent and provide great customer service. We’re vertically integrated...
OMG … I heard Jessica say I was a micromanager!
“I happened to be walking down the hallway past Scott’s office, when I heard Jessica complain to Scott about my micromanaging”, moaned Mike. “The last thing I ever thought I was was a micromanager” ☹. Juan Carlos replied, “It’s hard for me to picture you...
It’s just faster to do it myself … delegating is more trouble than it’s worth!
Continuing with Scott’s frustration from just having too much to do, he sought some useful advice on delegating. “l know I need to delegate more; but so often it just doesn’t seem worth the hassle. It takes longer to correct their work than just do it myself! Anyone...
Another evening activity missed … I can’t get my arms around all there is to do!
Scott sighed with exasperation ... “l didn’t think I was going to make it here this month. Last night I didn’t get home until late and I haven’t made it to the gym in the last two weeks. I keep saying I want better work-life balance, but I’m not making much...